This week we have another GIVEAWAY- not nearly as darling as last week, but quietly chic in its own functional way:-) A Perfectly Pink Measuring Tape
There are 3 chances to win again {for those of you who weren't able to do these things last week}:
1. Just fill out this survey below and email us back, call, bring it to class, or just leave as a comment. (But, make sure to never leave detailed personal info, such as your phone #, while you comment)
Sewing Survey
Phone number:
Preferred time for class to start: 7:00, 7:30, or 8:00
Do you have a sewing machine available to you to bring to class?
What projects would you like to learn to sew/make?
What techniques would you like to learn?
Would you be interested in helping to teach a class? If so, in what?
2. Sign up to 'Follow' us on our site. Look for the 'Followers' feature in the left column. By following our blog you can be notified when we add information to our site using whatever site you prefer: Twitter, Google Reader, or other connecting sites. Visit their sites to find out more about these time-saving tools.
3. Once you join the site, please RSVP to let us know if you will or will not be able to attend the class. Look for RSVP box in the left column as well. OR just RSVP any old way - phone, yell-hey i'm coming to the class-, email, blog, telegram, whatever way you can. Also please mention which class you will be attending
Please please please RSVP for the class. It will help us out tremendously! See you on Wednesday.