Tuesday, April 24, 2012

May Class: Buttonholes via Refashioned Cardigan

I have received so many requests on how to do buttonholes that I felt like it was time to feed the masses.
Presenting one of our May Classes:

Buttonholes via Refashioned Cardigan
Wednesday, May 9th from 7:30 - 9:30 pm
at Briana Johnson's home

This will be a great class in which you will come home with a completed project having learned a new skill and having transformed something neglected in your closet to something refreshed.

Here's the plan:

Find a thicker knit shirt from the back of your closet {or on clearance at your favorite store}
*it can be whatever sleeve length, just remember it is going to become a cardigan

Purchase the following supplies:
*button{s} - you can have one large, or several smaller ones - really its up to you
*thread - matching or contrast, whatever you want - just remember contrasting thread will show:)
*iron on hem tape {find at Joann's or Wal-Mart}

Accompany those with these:
*a ruler or even better, a yard stick
*seam ripper ;)
*light fusible interfacing {if you have some - if not we can share}
*dressmaker's chalk or disappearing fabric marker
*measuring tape
*straight pins 
*ironing board
*machine manual {important if you've never done a buttonhole on your machine - every machine is different}
*buttonhole foot {if your machine requires it - check out your manual - then look for it in your utility box}

We will be beginning with the diy tutorial from Easily Dunn rightfully named:

To which we will add the ever so intimating buttonhole.  Really, you are going to be impressed with how unintimidating it is:)

So on your way to the jungles of your closet to find that 6th grade shirt, you know the one.
Then head back over to RSVP to let us know that you and your shirt will be joining us!

Photos by Easily Dunn