Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Like an Explosion

that was like an explosion!
thought it'd be appropriate to lead out with a line from one of my family's favorite movies, 'the man who knew too little' - yea, i know, you either love it or you hate it:)

after 2 months of preparation, craft explosion finally came and went.  i have to say that it was a blast!;)  {sorry, couldn't resist.}
and quite a success thanks to my fabulously dependable and creative instructors.  thank you heather a, heather w, erin, danielle, and ashley!!  without you none of this could have been possible.  
thank you to my fellow decor visionary leslie and her trusty sidekick nick - thank you for turning my blank walls into a burst of light and color. 
thank you to my husband who loves me so much as to support me in my craziness. {i'm still needing that t-shirt that says, 'crazy is the new cool}
and of course thank you to the willing women who trusted me with your money and were ready to spend their evening with me and my crazy vision.

over 2 days i managed to squeeze over 30 of these women into my home disguised as a chatty crafters guild. 
we painted, we stamped, we cut, we stained, we snipped, we twisted, we clipped, we punched, we measured, we sprayed, we glued...
we ate, we laughed, we befriended...ate some more
and some of us may have even bled or screamed.

press on for an explosion of photos...

i've already been asked, 
'when's the next one?' ha.
so glad you would want to do another one. :)
as it takes so much time to prepare, and a small army of instructors,
i would be happy to look at this spring for our next installment of craft explosion.

if you'd like to volunteer to be an instructor or just want to keep informed about future events and/or my sewing group, make sure to follow my blog 

happy crafting.

{to see craft explosion's class line-up as well as the original tutorials we followed, visit here.}